Touch Tuina: ancient Chinese healing massage restoring balance

In 2019, the World Health Organisation (WHO) added a chapter on Chinese medicine to the International Classification of Diseases: which lists available global treatments for medical conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine has been practised for thousands of years and remains largely unchanged. 

The main philosophy is that we all have a life force called Qi/ Ch’i streaming through our bodies. An imbalance in yin/yang can cause disease and illness, and traditional Chinese medicine can help reinstate balance, through treatments such as: massage, acupuncture, tai chi and cupping. 

Chinese Tuina massage has been practised for over 2,000 years and is used to treat specific injuries and internal conditions such as: sports/work injuries, digestive, respiratory, reproductive and circulatory conditions. Practitioners press on meridians (energy channels) in the body, helping stimulate the release of tension, increase circulation and thereby balancing the body’s Qi energy. 

From 2010, Tuina massage has been widely considered as a unique, independent medical system in mainland China, gradually overtaking physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic as the foremost massage treatment model. Tuina translates as Tui Push and Na Grasp, with a proven track record of treating muscle trauma, dissolving adhesions and scar tissue to further increase the energy flow of blood, nutrients and oxygen.   

Touch Tuina Medical Therapy has four treatment centres in the UK: two in London (Camden and Catford) and two in York (St. Saviour’s place and Walmgate) and has leading Tuina practitioners, alongside complementary reflexology, kinesiology, cupping, Chinese herbal treatments and acupuncture.

Established by renowned Tuina practitioners, Errol Lynch and Mariana Arando, the dedicated team has grown across the four centres to 16 practitioners, each bringing their own eclectic mix of therapeutic expertise. 

We caught up with Founder Errol Lynch to find out more about this ancient massage technique,

“Tuina treatments are individually designed to meet each patient’s needs, with manual pressure applied to key points on the body; performed through a light cotton sheet, allowing clients to remain fully clothed.

A practitioner can stimulate many points during a single treatment compared to acupuncture for example: where many needles may be too excessive for a patient to tolerate at any one time.

Tuina is highly effective in treating a wide range of health issues: back pain/sciatica/slipped disc, injuries/sprains/strains, neck/shoulder pain/frozen shoulder, headaches/migraines, hormonal issues/PMS, stress related problems, digestive issues and even long Covid and fatigue.”

The Touch Tuina Medical Therapy team treats a wide range of ongoing clients from professional footballers Eddie Nketiah: Arsenal, Ajibola Alese: Sunderland and Cyrus Christi: Hull, to Octogenarians and people recovering from joint replacement surgery. The leading treatment centre is proud to be a sponsor and Tuina treatment provider for the Jamaican national football team. 

Paediatric Tuina can be used from New-borns up to age of 12 years old, helping restore Qi: through building a stronger immune system, to support common ailments such as IBS, asthma and eczema. This holistic bodywork reduces common developmental issues such as: digestive problems, teething and fevers. 

Clients are invariably delighted with the results of Tuina massage,

“Errol is my saviour. I walked in injured and walked out after an hour’s intensive treatment, fit and healthy. The recovery from my knee replacement has been so easy thanks to my Tuina treatments. I can’t thank Errol enough” and “My shoulder injury was so painful but after only two treatments with Maria it has healed wonderfully. I have full range of movement back now. I can’t thank her enough.”

Tuina works on fundamentally different principles to Western massage therapy: practitioners are trained to ‘sense’ the client’s Qi, changing the energy flow dramatically during the sessions.  It is not just about treating a physical injury: it is an ancient, holistic bodywork designed to restore mind, body and soul. Working in conjunction with other traditional Chinese medicines, the experienced team use reflexology to work on body organs through the soles of the feet and herbal remedies to restore opposing yin/yang energy levels. 

The Touch Tuina Medical Therapy Centre works differently to conventional Western practices, by employing a multibed clinic-approach. A ‘multibed’ approach encompasses many clients being treated communally in the same room, and is standard practice in China. This creates a wonderful, healing environment: bolstering a sense of community and directly positively influencing group Qi levels. However, private treatment rooms are available on request.  

Touch Tuina goes beyond treatment sessions: it is a renowned place of learning: running client holistic workshops on nutrition, health and wellbeing and supplies lifestyle products, for continued Qi balance. 

For those willing to train as Tuina practitioners, the Centre can provide full, professional training as Errol Lynch outlines,

“Touch Tuina offer annual practitioner training courses in both our London and York centres. 

Initially, we offer a one-year Level 1 ‘student to master’ course, followed by a requirement of a six-month minimum ‘hands on’ experience, leading to our Level 2 ‘Advanced Tuina.’

Intensive training is also available, if required. Our students are diverse, from many different backgrounds: Ph.D. to ex-postal worker! They come from a variety of countries including: Spain, France, Germany and Egypt. We also provide continuous professional development for all our qualified practitioners.”

For more information on treatment sessions and training courses, see the details below:

York T: 07535 646400 / 01904 636155

London T: 020 36232952/ 020 36012815